1). Virginia Woolf representations of continuous flow in “
To The Lighthouse” the narrator talk in the third individual and depict
characters and activity or we can say that story creates through the stream of consciousness
in the mind of the characters. Virginia Woolf has frequently utilized this
procedure to give the novel its uncommon character of appearing to be
dependably inside the awareness of the main characters. She tries to parody of
that force structure so that is likewise continuous how procedure, for instance
Mrs. Ramsey needed to make her girl like her, so we can think about Virginia
Woolf and her little girls in the novel. Second thing is “stream Of Consciousness”
is style of writing. In narrative technique use two basic types of inferior monologue:
Direct monologue: Either completely or largely excludes
2). Mrs. Ramsey was central character in the novel. She was
depicted as the kind mother and wife. Mrs. Ramsey is a critical thinker all a
different short than is usually expected. She is beautiful and loving women. She
is customary ladies who had faith in penance her life for her own particular
family. She tries to fulfill her family. Mrs. Ramsey a great amount of dignity.
3). in ‘to the Lighthouse’ Virginia Woolf utilizes a verity
of myth. Joseph L.Blotener has additionally use the myth like the pagan myth or
Oedipus myth. The pagan myth speak to old goddesses and it is depicted the main
part of female character. In ‘To the Lighthouse’ the female act like mother and
mother remain turn into middle, mother is controlling one or all. Oedipus is a
Greek mythological character based on the myth of ‘Oedipus Rex was written by Sophocles.
Oedipus who unwittingly kills his father Laius and marriage his mother Jocasta.
In this novel ‘To the Lighthouse’ James who was a son of the Mrs. Ramsey. He
loved his mother profoundly and feels a murderous antipathy towards his father.
4). ‘kunstlerroman’is a German term which is about the some people’s
life or craftsman’s novel, or we can say which depicts advancement or a battle
of a craftsman as in ‘To the Lighthouse’. Lilly’s character and the novel itself
is a struggle of an artist.