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"The Golden Fortress "by Satyajit Ray:

The Golden Fortress as a detective novel or thriller:

                                                                   'The Golden Fortress' by satyajit Ray was originally written in Bengali entitled “ sonar kella' and it has also been filmised with certained modifications. It includes the elements of suspense because the novelist enfolds events of the novel one by one and the narration creates curiosity in the minds of readers.It tells the story Mukul,a jestismar,remembering the story of his previous life .He talks about camels,battles,horses,elephants,forts,red sand,peacockes etc.He also talk about Golden fortress .The news of Mukul being a jestimar is printed in the newspaper and very soon neighbour boy of mukul is kidnapped mistakenly .Then Dr.Hajra,a parapsychologist,takes Mukul to Rajasthan to find out more about his previous life.Meanwhile ,the kidnappers leave the neighbour boy neelu near the school.Mukul's father worries about the safety of his son and approaches the private detective feluda for the help.

                                         Then onwards, Feluda undertakes to save Mukul if he in difficulty.Feluda goes to rajasthan with his freind Topse.Both meet jatayu in the train and they meet Manada Bose in the circuit house of jodhpur.During the journey ,they feel that the man in red shirt was chasing them secretly.Feluda and Topse also meet Dr.Hajara and Mukul and then Dr.Hajara attecked by some unknown people .Later on, we find that the fake one carried away Mukul.Afterwards,Dr.Hajara leaves with Mukul without informing feluda.When feluda and Topse tried to pursue the fraudulent Dr.Hajara an mukul,someone tries to create hurdles in their journey .Their taxi is punctured as someone had spread small pointed nails on the road .Even in a train Mandar Bose turns out to be a Villain.Ultimately,Feluda is successful in arresting the fake Dr.Hajara who was,in fact Bhavnamda.Parallel to the developement of the novel,the element of suspence strengthnes and it creates curiosity in the minds of the readers.The topic of a youg boy being a jestimar thrill us.The novelist has mystified the theme of the novel with the reference of previous life of Mukul.He has fully exploited the device of concealment to hide certain events of the novel.
                       Then the beginning of the novel,there is the reference og Bhavnada and then he disappear for a long time in the novel.Again ,he appears at the end of the novel ,he reappears as a fake Dr.Hajra who treid to kill the real Dr.Hajra through the fatal attack.The novelist has skillfully projected the sequence of events in the novel.
                       The plot of the novel is a complex one and clarifications are done as and when needed.The truth is revealed only when required.We come across several voices of narration throughout the text because from time to time dialogues have been projected between characters.The truth is fully revealed at the end of the novel


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