Theme and Symbols:
1) Abuserdity:
1) Abuserdity:
The term "absurd" was originally used by
Albert Camus in his 1942 essay “Myth of
Sisyphus,” wherein he described the human
condition as “meaningless and absurd.”
Albert Camus “Myth of Sisyphus”. The absurd in these plays takes the form of
man’s reaction to a world apparently
without meaning ,and or man as a puppet
controlled by invisible outsider. In almost every character we find a kind of
disappointment and complain from life. Meg
keeps on running meaningless conversations
like “how is cornflakes ?” or “didn’t you
enjoy your breakfast ?”etc. It is perhaps to
fill the emptiness within her.
2)Violence and cruelty
In the birthday party full of
violence, both physical and
emotion ,overall suggesting
that violence is fact of life. Stanley is cruel and violent
towards but, much more afraid
against other man. Much of the violence in the
play concern women.Stanley
not only intimidates Meg
verbally,but he also prepare to
assault Lulu. Finally,the threat of violence is
ever-present in the play.