Bilingualism refers to the phenomenon of competence and communication in two languages.Bilingual means someone who has the ability to communicate in two languages alternately.A bilingual society is one in which two languages are used for communication.
1) Monolingual or communicative norms
2) Relative competence in two languages
3) Domains
4) Components
Apart from bilingual abilities involving two languages,individuals may also have bidialectal or biscriptural abilities within one language.
Bidialectalism refers to the phenomenon whereby someone can communicate in more than two dialects of the same language. Biscriptural competence can be written both in the new simplified script and the traditional complex script.
Psycholinguistic studies of bilingualism have asked questions such as: how do we become bilingual? How are the two languages represented in the bilingual brain?to answer the questions of how someone becomes bilingual,it is useful to draw a distinction between simultaneous and successive bilingualism:
-simultaneous bilingualism refers to the acquisition of two language at the same Time while successive bilingualism refers to the acquisition of one language after another.
Sociolinguistic ask questions about the relative status and function of the languages in a bilingualism community.
In the context of societal bilingualism, language contact effects have been often observed.when two languages are used in the same community ,there might be the adoption of vocabulary items or phrases from one language while a person is communicating largely in the other.
Three types of Bilingualism memory system:
1) coexistence bilingualism:
Two languages are kept separate is different environment.
2) Merged Bilingualism:
Representations or two languages are integrated into one system.
3) Subordinative Bilingualism:
L2 is based on L1 representations.
The multifaceted nature of bilingualism needs to be fully appreciated for any pedagogical programme designed to foster bilingual development to succeed.
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