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Second language acquisition

 Second language acquisition by David Nunan

                                                                                                        The term second language acquisition(SLA)refers to the processes through which someone acquire one or more second or foreign languag.some important point in this research paper:
      -communication process
      -L1 and L2 formaly -informaly
      -product-The language use by learners.
      -positive transfer
      -nagative transfer
      -morpheme-minimum meaningful language unit.
      -the term 'modified interaction.
          Brown made a study on native kids who's language is L1(English language).Dudley and Burn study those kids were learn different languages and background.
       The discipline now known as SLA emerged from comparative studies of similarities and differences between languages.These studies were conducted in the belief that a learner's first language(L1) has important influence on the acquisition of a second(L2), resulting in the 'contrastive analysis'(CA) hypothesis.L1 rules are not equal to L2- this is nagative transfer.Thus,English L1 learners will encounter difficulty trying to master the use of nominal classifier in certain Asian languages such as Cantonese,because these do not exist in English.
          In terms of pedagogy,contrastivist held that learners difficulties in learning an L2 could be predicted on the basis of a systematic comparison of the two languages,and that learners from different first language background would experience different difficulties when attempting to learn a common L2.
          The systematic study of learners errors revealed inter insights into SLA process.
         1) learners made errors that were not predicted by the CA hypothesis.
         2)The errors that learners made were systematic,rather than random.
         3) learner appeared to move through a series of stages as they developed competence in the target language.
        These successive stages were characterised by particular types of errors,and each stage could be seen as a kind of interlanguage or 'interum language'in it's own Right.
      Thank u....


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