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Beat movement:
The roots of the Beat movement go back to 1944 when Jack Kerouac,Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs met at Columbia university in newyork.It was not until the 1950s that this writers would be recognize as the beats or as a generation of post world war-2 youths who's attitudes and lifestyle were far removed from typical American.
The roots of the Beat movement go back to 1944 when Jack Kerouac,Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs met at Columbia university in newyork.It was not until the 1950s that this writers would be recognize as the beats or as a generation of post world war-2 youths who's attitudes and lifestyle were far removed from typical American.
Jack Kerouac used the term “Beat “to describe both the negatives of his world and the positive of his responses to it.They also aimed for a life free of social constrains.Representative work of movement are Kerouac novel “on the road”,Bros novel “Naked lunch”and the poem of Gregory ‘Cross's Bomb’.all these writers especially Kerouacs first used this term to signify an outlook on life and outlook on writing.
Thank u..