Psychological/Psychoanalysis criticism:
Sigmund Freud an Austrian psychologist is the 1st to develop the techniques of psychoanalysis and his ideas in term have greatly influenced various discipline according to Freud the impulse to avoid all unplasure(that is to increase pleasure) governs old psychic activity and all other activity are promoted by this wish for pleasure. This is what he called the pleasure principal. he makes a distinction among the term conscious, unconscious and pre-conscious.
The concise oxford dictionary defines psychoanalysis as a form of therapy which aims to cure mental disorder. The unconscious is driven by the Id”which is linked to creative thought”. The pre-conscious is a secondary process, Ego(that is eye)The link between the unconscious and the pre-conscious neurosis is the result of a conflict between the Ego in Id. Psychosis is the outcome of a disturbance between the Ego and outside world. The Libido(later called the Eros-love) is the driving energy of the life instincts in the Freudian frame. In Freudian model the infants relationship with the mother, the male infants sexual desire to remove to power and became the partner of mother is the Oedipus complex give one play Shakespeare which has been studied from the psychoanalytic point of view.
Derridian deconstruction lakanian theory have influence the intellectual life of the 2nd half of 20th century.Lakan had made analysis of Adgar Allen Poe’s detective story “The purloined latter” a story contain two episode which is based on lakanian model.
Julia kresteva a French theory for known for her contribution to psychoanalysis as much as her contribution to feminist criticism, like lakan, kresteva.makes a distinction between the semiotic and the symbolic. According to kresteva any text as the semiotic become more organized it becomes a coherent,logical,linguistic stage called the symbolic. Underneath the symbolic, the semiotic flux remains, according to kresteva the poetic discourse represents the semiotic flux, openness, disruptive an subversive practices that is poetic language like the language of prose practices within and against the social order that is the symbolic. Kresteva relates her notions with the revolutionary potential of women and women writer.
Sigmund Freud an Austrian psychologist is the 1st to develop the techniques of psychoanalysis and his ideas in term have greatly influenced various discipline according to Freud the impulse to avoid all unplasure(that is to increase pleasure) governs old psychic activity and all other activity are promoted by this wish for pleasure. This is what he called the pleasure principal. he makes a distinction among the term conscious, unconscious and pre-conscious.
The concise oxford dictionary defines psychoanalysis as a form of therapy which aims to cure mental disorder. The unconscious is driven by the Id”which is linked to creative thought”. The pre-conscious is a secondary process, Ego(that is eye)The link between the unconscious and the pre-conscious neurosis is the result of a conflict between the Ego in Id. Psychosis is the outcome of a disturbance between the Ego and outside world. The Libido(later called the Eros-love) is the driving energy of the life instincts in the Freudian frame. In Freudian model the infants relationship with the mother, the male infants sexual desire to remove to power and became the partner of mother is the Oedipus complex give one play Shakespeare which has been studied from the psychoanalytic point of view.
Derridian deconstruction lakanian theory have influence the intellectual life of the 2nd half of 20th century.Lakan had made analysis of Adgar Allen Poe’s detective story “The purloined latter” a story contain two episode which is based on lakanian model.
Julia kresteva a French theory for known for her contribution to psychoanalysis as much as her contribution to feminist criticism, like lakan, kresteva.makes a distinction between the semiotic and the symbolic. According to kresteva any text as the semiotic become more organized it becomes a coherent,logical,linguistic stage called the symbolic. Underneath the symbolic, the semiotic flux remains, according to kresteva the poetic discourse represents the semiotic flux, openness, disruptive an subversive practices that is poetic language like the language of prose practices within and against the social order that is the symbolic. Kresteva relates her notions with the revolutionary potential of women and women writer.